PyAnsys Sound#

PyAnsys Sound lets you use the main features of Ansys Sound to perform the postprocessing and analysis of sounds and vibrations in Python. This library is based on PyDPF-Core and the DPF Sound plugin. It is a Python wrapper that implements classes on top of DPF Sound operators.

These documentation sections provide information on installing and using PyAnsys Sound:

Getting started

Learn how to install PyAnsys Sound and its prerequisites in user mode.

Getting started
User guide

Learn how to start a DPF server, load a signal from a WAV files, and perform operations on the signal.

User guide
API reference

Understand how to use Python to interact programmatically with PyAnsys Sound.

API reference

Explore examples that show how to use PyAnsys Sound for various workflows.


Learn how to contribute to the PyAnsys Sound codebase or documentation.


Key features#

The following API reference pages describe some key features of PyAnsys Sound:

  • Signal utilities: Tools to read and write WAV files in the format used by Ansys Sound Analysis and Specification (SAS) and tools to perform basic editing of audio signals.

  • Spectrogram processing: Time-frequency and time-representation conversion tools and time-frequency editing tools.

  • Psychoacoustics: Psychoacoustic indicators computation to measure perceived sound quality.

  • Xtract: Separation of a signal into several components, such as tonal, transient, and noise parts.

Not all features of Ansys SAS are available in PyAnsys Sound. Features are regularly added in new versions.