
Overall guidance on contributing to a PyAnsys library appears in the Contributing topic in the PyAnsys developer’s guide. Ensure that you are thoroughly familiar with this guide before attempting to contribute to PyAnsys Sound.

The following contribution information is specific to PyAnsys Sound.

Install in development mode#

Installing PyAnsys Sound in development mode allows you to modify and enhance the source.


For information on prerequisites, see Prerequisites.

Perform these steps to install PyAnsys Sound in developer mode:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd pyansys-sound
  2. Create a fresh-clean Python virtual environment and activate it.

     # Create a virtual environment
     python -m venv .venv
    # Activate it in a POSIX system
    source .venv/bin/activate
    # Activate it in Windows CMD environment
    # Activate it in Windows Powershell
  3. Install dependencies:

    pip install -e .
  4. Install additional requirements for tests and documentation (if needed):

    pip install -e.[doc,tests]


There are different ways to run the PyAnsys Sound tests, depending on how the DPF server is started.

  • Run tests with a Docker container.

    For information on getting and running the DPF Server Docker image, see DPF Server Docker image. Run the tests with this command:

    pytest .
  • Run tests with a Docker container from GitHub with these commands:

    docker pull
    pytest .

Run style checks#

The style checks use pre-commit, which can be run from a Powershell terminal:

pre-commit run --all-files

You can also install this as a Git pre-commit hook by running this command:

pre-commit install

Build documentation#

Before you can build the documentation, you must get and run the DPF Server Docker image. For more information, see DPF Server Docker image.

On Windows, build the documentation with this command:

.\doc\make.bat html

You can use the latest container from GitHub to build it with the following command:

docker pull
docker run -d -p 6780:50052 -e ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@mylicserver -e ANSYS_DPF_ACCEPT_LA=Y
docker run -d -e "ANSYS_DPF_ACCEPT_LA=Y" -e "ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@mylicserver" -v $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Ansys\ansys_sound_core\examples:C:\data  -p 6780:50052
.\doc\make.bat html