=============== Getting started =============== This section explains how to install PyAnsys Sound (``ansys-sound-core``) in user mode. If you are interested in contributing to PyAnsys Sound, see :ref:`ref_contribute` for information on installing in developer mode. .. _prerequisistes: Prerequisites ------------- PyAnsys Sound supports Ansys 2024 R2 and later. Make sure that you have a licensed copy of Ansys installed. To see which ``ansys-sound-core`` version corresponds to which Ansys version, see :ref:`Compatibility`. PyAnsys Sound relies on these Ansys products: - `PyDPF-Core`_ - DPF Sound, which is a plugin for DPF To install these prerequisites, you can use one of these methods: - From the `Download Center`_ on the Ansys Customer Portal, select the appropriate release and then click the **Ansys Automated Installer** button. Use the downloaded installer to install Ansys and Ansys Sound Analysis and Specification (SAS). Then, perform the steps in `Install PyDPF-Core`_ in the PyDPF-Core documentation. - From the DPF pre-release, download and install DPF Server and DPF Sound as described in the pre-release guidelines in `Install DPF Server`_ in the PyDPF-Core documentation. .. note:: You can also use a `DPF Server Docker image`_. Installation ------------ To install the latest ``ansys-sound-core`` package with ``pip``, run this command: .. code:: pip install ansys-sound-core To install a specific package version, specify the version in the ``pip`` command. For example, Ansys 2024 R2 requires version 0.1.0 of the ``ansys-sound-core`` package. To install version 0.1.0, you would run this command: .. code:: pip install ansys-sound-core==0.1.0 You should use a `virtual environment `_ because it keeps Python packages isolated from your Python system. .. _Compatibility: Compatibility ------------- The following table shows which ``ansys-sound-core`` version is compatible with which DPF Server version (Ansys version). By default, a DPF server is started from the latest installed Ansys version. .. list-table:: :widths: 20 20 :header-rows: 1 * - DPF Server version - ansys.sound.core version * - 8.0 (Ansys 2024 R2 pre0) - 0.1.0 and later Examples -------- Comprehensive information on using PyAnsys Sound is available in :doc:`examples/index`. At the end of each example, a button provides for downloading the example's Python source code. .. _DPF Server Docker image: DPF Server Docker image ----------------------- To use a DPF Server Docker image, follow the steps in `Run DPF Server in a Docker container `_ in the PyDPF-Core documentation. Make sure that you also download the DPF Sound plugin for the corresponding release, such as ``ansys_dpf_sound_win_v2024.1.pre0.zip``. After following these steps, you should have a running DPF Docker container that listens on port 6780. .. LINKS AND REFERENCES .. _PyDPF-Core: https://dpf.docs.pyansys.com/version/stable/ .. _Ansys Sound: https://www.ansys.com/sound .. _Download Center: https://download.ansys.com/Current%20Release .. _Install PyDPF-Core: https://dpf.docs.pyansys.com/version/stable/getting_started/index.html#install-pydpf-core .. _Install DPF Server: https://dpf.docs.pyansys.com/version/stable/getting_started/dpf_server.html#install-dpf-server