
ansys.sound.core.server_helpers._connect_to_or_start_server.connect_to_or_start_server(port=None, ip=None, ansys_path=None, use_license_context=False)#

Connect to or start a DPF server with the DPF Sound plugin loaded. :rtype: Any


If a port or IP address is set, this method tries to connect to the server specified and the ansys_path parameter is ignored. If no parameters are set, a local server from the latest available Ansys installation is started.

port: str, default: None

Port that the DPF server is listening on.

ip: str, default: None

IP address for the DPF server.

ansys_path: str, default: None

Root path for the Ansys installation. For example, C:\\Program Files\\ANSYS Inc\\v242. This parameter is ignored if either the port or IP address is set.

use_license_context: bool, default: False

Whether to check out the DPF Sound license increment (avrxp_snd_level1) before using PyAnsys Sound. Checking out the license increment improves performance if you are doing multiple calls to DPF Sound operators because they require licensing. This parameter can also be used to force check out before running a script when few DPF Sound license increments are available. The license is checked in when the server object is deleted.


server : server.ServerBase