Initialize PyAnsys Sound and check out the license#

This example shows how to initialize PyDPF-Core, load DPF Sound, and check out the required Ansys license (increment avrxp_snd_level1) only once. It also shows how to connect to the DPF server, verify where it is located, and get other useful information.

This example also demonstrates the use of the LicenseContextManager, a mechanism that lets you check out the license only once for the duration of the session, which greatly improves performance. It shows the execution time of a simple DPF Sound operator when you do not use the LicenseContextManager versus when you do use it.


Ensure that you have installed PyDPF-Core and DPF Sound according to procedures in the PyDPF-Core documentation:

Perform required imports#

Perform the required imports:

# Load Ansys and other libraries.
import datetime

import ansys.dpf.core as dpf

from ansys.sound.core.examples_helpers import download_flute_wav
from ansys.sound.core.server_helpers import connect_to_or_start_server
from ansys.sound.core.signal_utilities import LoadWav

Use a DPF server without a LicenseContextManager#

Initialize a DPF server without using a LicenseContextManager.

Note: When use_license_context=False, the license is checked out each time you use a DPF Sound operator.

# Connect to a remote server or start a local server without using a LicenseContextManager
print("Connecting to the server without using a LicenseContextManager")
my_server = connect_to_or_start_server(use_license_context=False)

# Check if you are using a local or remote server
has_local_server = dpf.server.has_local_server()
print(f"Local server: {has_local_server}")

# If using a local server, display the path to the server
if has_local_server == True:
    print(f"Local server path (server variable): {my_server.ansys_path}")
Connecting to the server without using a LicenseContextManager
Local server: True
Local server path (server variable): None

Display information about the server that you are using.

print(f"Server information: {}")
Server information: {'server_ip': '', 'server_port': 50052, 'server_process_id': 1652, 'server_version': '9.1', 'os': 'nt', 'path': None}

Execute the PyAnsys Sound LoadWav operator several times in a row and measure the execution time.

path_flute_wav = download_flute_wav()

for i in range(5):
    now =
    wav_loader = LoadWav(path_flute_wav)
    fc_signal = wav_loader.get_output()
    later =
    execution_time = later - now
        f"Elapsed time (loop {i+1}): "
        f"{execution_time.seconds + execution_time.microseconds/1e6}"
        f" seconds"
Elapsed time (loop 1): 10.72009 seconds
Elapsed time (loop 2): 3.848715 seconds
Elapsed time (loop 3): 3.864041 seconds
Elapsed time (loop 4): 3.881709 seconds
Elapsed time (loop 5): 3.847 seconds

Disconnect (shut down) the server and release the license increment.

print("Disconnecting from the server and releasing the license increment.")
my_server = None
Disconnecting from the server and releasing the license increment.

Use a DPF server with a LicenseContextManager#

Initialize a DPF server using a LicenseContextManager and execute the same code as run previously.

Note: The LicenseContextManager is a mechanism that checks out a license increment when entering the context and releases it when exiting the context.

# Connect to a remote server or start a local server using a LicenseContextManager
print("Connecting to the server using a LicenseContextManager")
my_server = connect_to_or_start_server(use_license_context=True)

# Execute the same and measure the execution time
for i in range(5):
    now =
    wav_loader = LoadWav(path_flute_wav)
    fc_signal = wav_loader.get_output()
    later =
    execution_time = later - now
        f"Elapsed time (loop {i+1}): "
        f"{execution_time.seconds + execution_time.microseconds / 1e6}"
        f" seconds"
Connecting to the server using a LicenseContextManager
Elapsed time (loop 1): 0.127616 seconds
Elapsed time (loop 2): 0.122754 seconds
Elapsed time (loop 3): 0.115687 seconds
Elapsed time (loop 4): 0.134625 seconds
Elapsed time (loop 5): 0.133479 seconds

You can see that the execution time is much faster when you use a LicenseContextManager. This is because when a LicenseContactManager is not used, the license is checked out each time you use a DPF Sound operator.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 29.813 seconds)

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